March Membership Meeting

  • Thursday, March 05, 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Registration is closed

March Membership Meeting

Join us by Zoom call for our March AIMS membership meeting. The meeting will begin at 12:30 on March 5th.

Meeting ID: 952 335 031

Password: 008367

Document Links

March 5 Meeting Agenda

December 3 Meeting Minutes

2019-20 YTD Financials

Please Note

The AIMS board is looking for members that would like to serve on the Nominating Committee to identify potential new board members or are interested in becoming a new board member. If you are interested in either of these opportunities personally or would like to nominate someone to serve in either of these capacities, please forward your name to Cheryl LaCost at Recommendations for the Nominating Committee should be forwarded by March 19th. Nominations for board service should be submitted by March 31st. The Nominating Committee composition is outlined in the AIMS bylaws as a five member committee including the board president, two additional board members and two non-board members.